What is Urodynamics?
Urodynamics is a medical test used to evaluate the functioning and function of the urinary system. This test aims to examine the storage, drainage and function of the urinary tract. Urodynamics testing is often used to evaluate patients with urinary tract problems such as urinary incontinence, difficulty urinating (dysuria), and recurrent urinary tract infections.
Urodynamics Test Procedure
Necessary Preparations
Some preparations are required before a urodynamics test. These usually include:
You may be asked to urinate before the test.
It is recommended that you wear comfortable clothing during the test.
You may need to take medications or make dietary changes before the test, as instructed by your doctor.
It is important to talk to your doctor about how the test will be performed and what to expect.
Testing Process
Urodynamic testing usually involves the following steps:
Pre-Application Preparation: The patient is made to lie down or sit comfortably and is informed about how the test will be performed.
Catheterization: A thin catheter is inserted into the urethra. This catheter is used to measure the flow and pressure of urine.
Bladder Fullness Test: Water is injected into the bladder and how full the bladder is is measured.
Pressure Measurement: Pressure levels in the urethra are measured through the catheter.
Urinary Emptying Test: The water in the bladder is emptied by allowing the patient to go to the toilet when desired, and the functioning of the urethra is examined during this time.
Completion of the Test: After all the tests are completed, the catheter is removed and the patient can return to normal activities.
Video Urodynamics
Video urodynamics is a type of urodynamics test, and during this test, a camera is used to view the internal structure of the urethra and bladder. This method provides more detailed information than traditional urodynamic testing. Video urodynamics can be especially useful in patients with complex urinary tract problems.
Pain and Discomfort Level of Urodynamic Testing
Pain and discomfort during a urodynamic test can vary from person to person and can be mild to moderate for most patients. However, some people may experience more pain or discomfort during this test. The level of pain and discomfort can vary depending on factors such as catheter placement, pressure felt when the bladder is full, and straining the urethra. However, there is usually no significant pain during this test.
Expected Situations Before and After the Test
Certain conditions are expected before and after a urodynamic test:
Before the test: Before the test, the patient’s stress level may increase, which may cause some discomfort. There may also be mild discomfort when the bladder is full.
After the test: After the test, some patients may experience temporary symptoms such as increased frequency of urination or a slight burning sensation. However, these symptoms are usually short-lived and mild. In rare cases, complications such as urinary tract infections may occur after the test, but these are usually very rare.
Application Areas of Urodynamic Testing
Which Patients Are Applied to?
Urodynamic testing is usually performed for the following conditions:
Urinary Incontinence Problems: Urinary incontinence or leakage is a common condition in women and men, and urodynamic testing can be used to determine the cause of urinary incontinence.
Urinary Tract Narrowing: Narrowing or obstruction of the urinary tract can affect the flow of urine, and urodynamic testing can be used to determine the cause of this condition.
Dysuria (Difficulty in Urinating): Urodynamic testing can be performed on patients who experience pain or difficulty during urination.
Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections: Urodynamic testing can be used to evaluate the functioning of the urinary tract in patients who have recurrent urinary tract infections.
Neurological Diseases: Neurological diseases such as spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis can affect the urinary system, and urodynamic testing can be used to evaluate this condition.
The Importance of Urodynamic Testing
Urodynamic testing is an important tool for diagnosing and treating urinary tract problems. This test can help identify underlying urinary tract problems that are causing a patient’s symptoms. Additionally, urodynamic test results play an important role in determining a patient’s treatment plan and monitoring the effectiveness of treatment. Especially in patients with complex urinary tract problems, urodynamic testing can provide Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esra ÖZBAŞLI important information and help determine the right treatment approach.